

Today's Earworm- In A Dark Place, Gary Numan

Dave has clocked in a year sans egregious carbs, losing 60kgs.
Despite occasional spills off the wagon, the 20-ish that I ditched haven't found me again yet.... now I'm picturing the action scenes from Terminator 2, starring me running away from a giant cherry danish.
In my case, being a big weirdo was invaluable in pursuing a diet divergent from the sammich-and-timtam stuff everybody else gets away with eating. I'm a mac-using, Linux-using, female IT monkey. I'm my whole peer group. It makes my life very easy. While the women I work with (correction, in the same building as) are all compelled to buy the same pair of shoes from different vendors, seeking an ideal distillation of bootyness and pointyness, I'm in sneakers. Not hard to apply the same principles to food, especially when you're working the same hours as Angel Investigations.

In other news, Apple released a bluetooth Mighty Mouse. I think I'll go a Logitech v270 though, at $70-ish vs Apple's $109.

I wonder if I can dispose of my old Apple BT Mouse on EBay? There have got to be people out there who are frightened of this brave new world of multiple mouse click options.

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