
S10 Bios 59

I had upgraded the BIOS on Cupcake to version 59 (available from the
Lenovo forums) to alleviate the off and on fan problem. If you've got
an S10, you know it's annoying and distracti-WHIRRRRRRR

I'll be rolling back though, probably to 58. The CPU temp idles at
55C. It ratchets up to 60 when web surfing.

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While I'm working on my website, just so there's some content, I set up a redirect like so -


header("Location: http://lifeatmidnight.blogspot.com");


Compiz on Jaunty...

I upgraded the netbook to from Intrepid (8.10) to Jaunty (9.04). Gnome-session stopped launching Compiz. It runs fine if you launch it from the terminal, and picks up that it needs the intel Xorg driver.
When compiz, or metacity don't launch, you have no window decorations, you can't change context, and you can't move between desktops (obviously). I just added compiz manually back via the gnome-session-manager. Aside from that weird quirk, Jaunty is great. Network-manager sucks with the Broadcomm 802.11g card a whole lot less, instead of about five minutes of hit-or-miss WPA2 authentication, it now logs on first try.


Permission issues in Leopard web sharing

Midnightblue.net is down right now, so I needed to set up a staging server on Caffeine (the MacBook Pro) in order to hack away on the redesign. It needs one, I've got x number of domains, and a few different subject areas I need to break down and link to.
I did an archive and install of Leopard recently so I went to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf , enabled php5, and assumed that would pretty much be the extent of things after I enabled Web Sharing.
Not so much... Leopard doesn't copy 'username'.conf to /etc/apache2/users , so apache doesn't know that the Sites folder in the user's home directory is supposed to be visible too.

Caffeine:extra kristy$ ls /etc/apache2/users
Caffeine:extra kristy$

I found that information here at Apple, so my next step was to look in the "Previous Systems" folder that the Archive and Install left behind, and 'kristy.conf' was in /etc/apache2. It's pretty simple in case you have to create that file from scratch, looks like this-

<Directory "/Users/kristy/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

My next step is to set up syncing of the website files via Unison to Cupcake (the Lenovo S10) and get its staging server launched. It's a strange quirk that this tiny little laptop has a 160Gig hard drive, and plenty of room to store anything I might be working on.


Picking up new skills

I'm auditing the Stanford iPhone Development course. It's been a while
since I did any coding.. So this has been fun so far.

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