

I just recieved the standard Skype level 1 canned response (fraud's not our problem, we're not refunding your money, sucks to be you, see this link  ) so while I get that sorted, I've installed the Mac password safe desktop client 1Password . I was using it on iPhone, but the desktop version of course provides a nice user interface. If you want all of your passwords to be random line noise, this is a great way to manage it.
I don't think my password was lame enough to be guessed, but my paranoia is up a few clicks this week. 
The iPhone client can be used solo, and it has a nice feature besides password sync - the ability to run a little web server over wifi from which you can download and upload encrypted backups of your safe - see http://agilewebsolutions.com/products/iphone/user_guide  . Obviously, this works great for Windows too.  Apple doesn't give you any granular way to restore data from apps, so this is necessary and appreciated.

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