

My MacBook Pro is back, with a fresh new logic board. If Temperature monitor isn't lying to me, the main CPU temperature diode sits at about 57 degrees C in normal use. The whine is pretty much gone, I hear it extremely faintly on AC sometimes.

So that meant it was time for my iPod to sign off. I can't blame the battery upgrade for this. There was some hard drive clicking and abrupt disconnecting from my computer that I'd actually put down to the battery. So when I replaced the battery, I'd expected my iPod to just behave and not unmount itself.
It started unmounting itself after a few seconds today, and I heard the iPod hdd frantically clicking. I pulled the iPod open again and checked the IDE connector and battery connectors, but to no avail. I guess using the iPod for only a couple of hours a day (all the battery would hold) had held back its demise, but since I'd started USING it again it couldn't keep up. The hard drive controller is toast. It's an ex-Pod.

As an interim measure I've bought an iPod shuffle. If I'd realised I was getting *one* playlist I might have sprung for a Nano. It's charging though, and I look forward to using it.
One reason I didn't get a Nano was that the Nano gets the best accessories, and my stop-gap solution plus add-ons would really quickly start heading for the full price of a 5.5 Video iPod anyway. I'm not fussed on the Video iPods, the video functionality feels a bit hacky. I was waiting for the 6G, that hasn't changed.

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