
You know you're adjusting to shiftwork when...

-You set your Casio watch to run in dual-time mode so you know roughly what time in your work 'day' it is, and what you should be doing then... It's about Virtual Lunchtime for me now. I'm not hungry though so I don't know what I should be doing.

-You create a character on the US-based WoW servers so you have someone to play with.

-You start looking for live webcams in 'your' timezone, to remind yourself that it is, in fact, actually afternoon somewhere, just not exactly here.

-You lose touch with your day-shift workmates... the ones in the *same* building.

-You don't know what meal you should eat when... breakfast at the end of the 'day' feels wrong. And what do you eat in the middle? Does that meal have a name?

-You feel you've comfortably determined which girls in the phone sex ads are in fact transvestites or similar.

-You start refering to your SO as a 'Daywalker'

-You actually secretly or not so secretly appreciate the quiet and the time to yourself.

-You suddenly have a lot of time to write or study .... except you find yourself blogging instead because your brain won't make it out of first gear.

Yeah I've started shiftwork as part of my Shiny New Job. Its not completely horrible for a Night Owl like myself (and lets just say absence has made things... sparkier... between D and myself).


Anonymous said...

I think they call that meal in the middle "dark lunch" ;)

- Dennis..

Kris The Grumpy said...

Yup. That sounds right.