
Clan HoldTheFries

Today’s Earworm – ‘Queen Of The World’, Tina Cousins


Thinking of starting a WoW clan called ‘HoldTheFries’. We would not be exclusively low-carb, though we would be low carb friendly.  We probably would be banninated under current management though.


I’ve an internal interview today for another department so wish me luck. Damn I wish I could let on the real reasons I think I’ll perform better in a different department…. But you know, if you have nothing nice to say… etc.


I’m hopeful but I’m also wary of things falling through, so come Monday I could have those glorious few days-to-weeks off I’ve been fantasizing about since I transitioned here from $old_werk with no time in between. Except of course, for the problem of actually being unemployed, and the longer you’re out of the game, the harder it is to get back in.   


I need to line something else up before D starts sending filled application forms to fast-food joints on my behalf.


At least I’m at that point where lack of experience is no longer a problem, just lack of paperwork.

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