
Thursday Already?

Today's Earworm- Placebo, Plasticine

It's already Thursday... after Monday and Tuesday spent on the couch and a less-than-productive Wednesday. I have a lot of mind-numbing document-crunching to do this week.

Ever get the feeling you could be replaced by a (slightly complicated) shell script?

Postgrad ACS stuff arrived... this evening I should *really* be catching up on my readings and eyeballing the assignment. I've also got some Security+ to do.

And if I'm really organised, strip this weekend.... though I'll understand if you don't hold your breath.


Anonymous said...

i won't be holding my breathe, i promise! (but i am looking forward to the new strip!) :-)

Kris The Grumpy said...

Ok, hold your breath a *little* bit. There's a new strip. Short and sweet, but it is progress.