
Things Are Going To Change

Today's earworm - Lift Me Up-Moby

The title references the last storyline in Scary Go Round. :)

Definitely personally feels like a season of change though. I'm a postgrad student (RMIT Grad Dip in IT Management) and I'm fast tracking my MCSA.
Trying to establish a routine for Midnight Blue. Just moved the latter to a friendly Athlon box this side of the pond. That's working out so far.
Reconnecting with old friends. Recognising the need for people in my life
Had a birthday recently and I felt really stalled, and pretty down, but that was because perhaps the moves I'd made towards change hadn't borne fruit yet.
Re: the strip - I seem to have caught up with studying, and barring any EXTREEM overtime, that should update again later on in the week.

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