Or at least cutting it back….
I'm flustered and whether I have ADD or not, it sure looks that way. Task X and Y are both due, but if task Y is more boring or daunting, I'll 'multitask' it with task X and end up barely touching it.
I've learned this behaviour over time, but maybe I can change my habits.
It means taking responsibility for how I allocate my time, and not putting down a task I've started until I reach a checkpoint or until I have to do so. It means setting boundaries with myself and other people.
I've read this http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/01/27/2221228&from=rss and then followed it up with this - http://fabadger.blogspot.com/2005/11/giving-up-on-multitasking.html
The latter advocates a task handling structure of
- Job in
- Job allocated a time to be done with full attention
- Requester informed of where their job is in my scheme of things
- Job done
I think that could work.
/I've got STOP MULTITASKING!!! Inked on my wrist.
//Buddhism has many, many words devoted to this concept, which indicates its been a Known Issue in the human brain for some time.
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