

....we've got to move out sooner rather than later. Landlord kicking
us while we're down by raising the rent about 20%. Also, neighbors
love karaoke.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse the typos.

New perspectives on my flat

Spent a great of today mildly stoned on the couch on completely
necessary nurofen plus and reading a whole lot of travel porn on my
laptop. Capsule hotels! First class cabins on planes! I fondly
remember the Pod Hotel in NY.

I look at my tiny flat, and realize that if I look at my life as a
journey, this place is just a cheap economy cabin on the way somewhere

Then I started cleaning up, because it's almost time for us to check
out of here.

Sent from my iPhone. Please excuse the typos.


This is not your email address.

I have a bit of an email problem.
Not spam, though I am disgusted at the inbound signal to rubbish ratio in my accounts. I don't see the debris scooped out of my email swimming pool until I log into gmail.

2034 spam messages? What a waste of bandwidth. Most of them are in the wrong character set too, sent by hacked computers that are much closer to sentience than their owners.

No, I have a common word @ gmail email address that people keep handing out to their friends, business associates, and signing up for accounts on websites.

Some of them are just confused, but not really stupid people, so I feel bad publicly ridiculing them. There's the person who sent me a picture of a very ordinary middle aged man, seated at his desk, from their shiny new O2 iPhone. There's the lady involved in church events who also donates blood at an NYC bloodbank. I get the occasional email for her that I bounce. At some point, she's going to stop punching in the wrong address.

And then there's people who play poker online.

This is an automated message sent from Full Tilt Poker.

Your Player ID: JASONR42000
Your E-mail Address: Not yours, idiot
Validation Code: HahahahaNO

Please follow the instructions below to complete the e-mail validation

As a security precaution, we require that you maintain a current,
validated e-mail account at all times in order to play on the site.
A validated e-mail account allows us to provide you with customer
support, and helps to maintain the security of your account. This
validation code will only be valid for twenty-four hours.


To confirm that your new e-mail address is correct...

1) Launch the Full Tilt Poker application
2) Login to your account
3) Choose "Account / Validate E-mail Address" from the menu bar
4) Enter the 6 letter Validation Code in the space provided
5) Choose "Validate"


Full Tilt Poker will not send any unsolicited mail to e-mail addresses
that have not been validated. By taking no action, you will not receive
any e-mail correspondence from Full Tilt Poker. If you wish to have
your e-mail address removed from this account, please forward the
contents of this e-mail to support@fulltiltpoker.com

I got four of these, with different activation codes. You'd think after two attempts that our gambling Einstein would get the picture, that perhaps he'd better use his real address so he can win FABULOUS PRIZES.



Waiting to take off

Waiting to take off
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Can't see the pink Hello Kitty duffel though

"Mass stupidity is not a conspiracy" - Dave Ramsay


From the 'office' today

From the 'office' today
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Cranky lorrikeets building a nest

"Mass stupidity is not a conspiracy" - Dave Ramsay


Optus is being Special again

Optus is being Special again
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
"Mass stupidity is not a conspiracy" - Dave Ramsay


Dear Optus, WTF

Dear Optus, WTF
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
I'm on a Yes plan, and 80 meg clear of the limit. WTF?


Lonely Burger

Lonely Burger
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Take a pamphlet? Be my friend?
You can't see it in the pic, but this burger is a cyclops. It only has
one, staring eye on top it's bun.


Way too early again, on the way to work.

But at least the sun is out today! Currently standing near a window,
collecting vitamin D.



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
StarBye. Bugger.


Voda/Samsung in Southbank

Voda/Samsung in Southbank
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
What is this thing ? The posts in front are the only clue. Samsung
Instinct? Will it have better data plans than iPhone on Voda ?



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Jesus has a posse, also danish design spheres



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Ikea display at southern cross.




 I installed Flock, and this post is basically a test.

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Touchy iPod

Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Last pic of this guy before it goes back to the mothership, and they ship out its replacement. (It started doing this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPtFJGkpfQc , now it randomly reboots). I'm going to miss my 0.75 of an iPhone lifestyle, and this iPod has sentimental value.
But not as much sentimental value as my 3G iPod. I mean look at those red lights! http://www.flickr.com/photos/20262161@N00/184391331/ AWESOME. Retro Mac fonts. Plays your songs with no guff. Downside - hard drive doesn't like drops.
I'd probably still be using it if not for that.


The Monday MiseryBlog Chaser

Here's an inoculation against the misery of the previous post. Apologies!

Christianity in Doctor Who 

I think you'll see this comparison pop up in any genre show or movie where you have a character who is a standout 'Chosen One'. And if anyone works in mysterious ways sometimes, it's The Doctor. I think I love fiction comparison and debate as much as anyone can.


The Monday MiseryBlog

Two stories from the "I'd believe in God if He believed in quality control" department -

In an update that should surprise nobody at all with eyes, plenty of people knew about the Austrian dungeon rapist, but nobody did anything about it. Previously convicted dungeon rapist, I should say.

"Former lodgers at the family house and school friends of Elisabeth admitted on Saturday that they heard she was being sexually abused and mistreated, yet none contacted authorities before or after she disappeared."

Yeah.   It seems the assumption.. by those who bothered to make assumptions, by those who fancied some happier outcome for that little girl when she disappeared... was that she'd run off to join a cult. I guess some who knew her might have felt some small relief her nightmare was over, one way or another. Some unburdening, of their collective guilt. 

Except that little girl never escaped at all. 

A similarly depressing story has a man stabbing a nice young dad to death on the Belgrave line for no reason at all - http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/train-knifeman-guilty-of-musicians-murder/2008/05/05/1209839529288.html .  

What can you say here? A gun or a tazer wouldn't have saved his life. In fact, if guns were readily available around here, that's what this creature would have been carrying. 

Oh wait, and guess what? 

"He said Acuna, who told police he had injected a gram of speed before the killing, had previously told a community services worker four months before the attack that he had wanted to kill someone at random."

I mean seriously? What do you need here? A disseration, with references cited?  

Both these defective homunculi destroyed innocent lives because multiple people weren't paying attention, or just didn't sufficiently give a fuck, and neither one should have been out enjoying daylight at all. 

Bloody Hell, What About Us Mate?

Blogged this story on iPhone Development being opened internationally
because I like the included map. What about us mate *indeed*.

Rumour sites are pointing at late June for iPhone, G'Day Edition, and
Optus (Yes, we suck a bit less than Telstra) as main provider. Though
the phone is said to be unlocked, so you can go anywhere you like,
even prepaid.

The biggest reason I didn't buy an iPhone in November was lack of
warranty. I regret it now, but I just know that the thing would have
died about half an hour after I got it home. And then I would have to
arrange for it to go back to the States, and it would have been this
whole *thing*.
The *second* biggest reason is that Australian data plans suck, unless
you have a 'special' device like a sidekick. The iPhone is no better
than my current phone/iPod Touch combo unless it has a decent data
plan. Optus have already bumped up the data allowance on their prepaid
plans, and it seems their other plans will be upgraded soon.



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Looks like the logies



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Santa left me cisco books!


Browsing the Dell Site


I wonder how many Mac Pro owners buy these silver-bezelled, webcam-
packing lcds instead of the brutally overpriced Apple ones?

Sent from my iPod Touch




1) MacBook Pro power cable failure - no instant replacement, several days of waiting. (next time, I deal with Apple.com.au)
2) No power in my homer suburb for well over 24 hours
3) ns0.xname.org is down, killing my domain and email.

Urge to kill, rising........

And that's without bringing up Dave's problems.

/I don't want to go home.


PHD Comics: C-C-Coffee...


Yep. There are plenty of manuals that do this to my brain. Like the
tangled skein that is VPN configuration - I think my mind shuts down
in self-defence.

Sent from my iPod


Coachy coach!

Scary Go Round on the differences in Trains vs Coaches.



Lost! On an Island!

Lost with 80's style credits. Hilarious.


(And a good demonstration of why they don't do it on the show. :D)


Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Segway, belgrave line



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Too slow to catch slow food festival today :)


Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Back street boys?


Update on 'boootiful canine of peace'


"People say 'he attacked your sister, doesn't that change the way you
feel about him?'. It doesn't change the way I feel," Diesel's owner

Wow isn't there some way this bogan princess can be charged with
assault? Criminal negligence?

I feel bad for the tradie, actually. Probably a prime target by the 'we
wuff our land pirhanas' contingent.


But pitbulls are beauuuuuutiful animals!


The real hilarity is the video of the dumb whore owner that ran on the
news tonight. Her sister got her leg shredded and she was whining
about her dead dog!

/Got another nail?



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Larger than average 5xl


Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Bigger than average 5xl


A Leopard Ate My Website

If you can't view user websites after upgrading to Leopard, and your
directory permissions are okay, this page has the solution.


And if you're using Filevault, you'll need to read this -


though in Leopard, "chmod +a "www allow search" /Users/username"
works fine.



Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Wow the only time my ipod could ever figure out where i was.


Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Big tv. Air conditioning.

And this is why I had to walk a few extra blocks to work this morning


Checking it out on the way home to see if it's still 1945.


Thoughts on multitasking

- Theres no such thing as 'flow'  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)) in multitasking, and this is the mode in which we are most productive doing complex work

- Women are colloquially better at it…. But most 'traditional' women's tasks (housework, watching children) require frequent, small, bursts of attention, and don't require you to load any knowledge ('state') on the situation into your head. More complex or potentially dangerous tasks (such as attending to a squirming infant, and ironing) are *not* multitasked for obvious reasons.

- Multitasking is a copout for not setting boundaries with other people. "Sure I can do that for you….(while I juggle my five other projects)

Giving up multitasking for a week

Or at least cutting it back….

I'm flustered and whether I have ADD or not, it sure looks that way. Task X and Y are both due, but if task Y is more boring or daunting, I'll 'multitask' it with task X and end up barely touching it.

I've learned this behaviour over time, but maybe I can change my habits.

It means taking responsibility for how I allocate my time, and not putting down a task I've started until I reach a checkpoint or until I have to do so. It means setting boundaries with myself and other people.

I've read this http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/01/27/2221228&from=rss and then followed it up with this - http://fabadger.blogspot.com/2005/11/giving-up-on-multitasking.html

The latter advocates a task handling structure of

  • Job in
  • Job allocated a time to be done with full attention
  • Requester informed of where their job is in my scheme of things
  • Job done

I think that could work.

/I've got STOP MULTITASKING!!! Inked on my wrist.
//Buddhism has many, many words devoted to this concept, which indicates its been a Known Issue in the human brain for some time.


Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Giant bees!


On projects

How much you procrastinate on projects is directly proportional to how
much you've already invested in it.
You can motivate yourself by inviting feedback from others.

Turns out I'd rather eat ground glass than apologizing when I've done
the wrong thing. But I do know when it's the right thing to do. And I
will do it, as I'm not a passenger, a pet or a child in this life.

Sent from my iPod touch


Two Hands


RIP. Gut feeling is 'tragic accident' instead of 'Michael Hutchence MK II'. Probably took enough sedatives to suffocate in his sleep, as he had pneumonia.

Very sad as he was about to hit it big via the next Batman movie.  

iPod Touch is "Mainstream wifi mobile platform"


And a seeeeeeexy one.

/I broke. My icons jiggle.

//Roll on SDK?

Sorry guys

Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac
Offering my apologies...
I groped the bull and I think I broke it's mojo. I'll be consulting some voodoo texts to work out how to restore it.

/Hang tight! Its only money!