
Yeah, I have a problem

Yeah, I have a problem
Originally uploaded by MidBlueMac.
Listening to: International Date LIne, Ladytron

And these aren't all of them. Not by a long shot. These aren't even the three or four I carry in my bag. I have a lip gloss problem. Shiny, sparkly, flavored, wine, pink, occasionally red or purple, I have a weakness for them all.
Its like the NEXT lipgloss I see, perched fetchingly on a shelf in its fresh pink packaging, will be the Holy Grail of lipglosses, and I can forsake the other fifty in approximately the same color and texture.

Other than sorting my drawers (thats what prompted the lipgloss navel-gazing) I've got other things on at present. I'll probaly defer my postgrad stuff indefinitely after I finish the current subject. I took it on because I wasn't sure what to do, and now I've got a few projects on I'm really interested in I just don't have the time.
I have a few more website projects that need attention, and my main site of course.
There are other courses that interest me more, too. But they'll need to wait until I do something about work, either do something part-time, or get a shorter commute, or God knows, take a course I'm actually interested in, because the upload is a lot slower on business speak waffle than it is on geek stuff.

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