Lost Weekend
I probably should have studied more and eaten less junk food. I don't like to think of the time as wasted though.. sometimes, I need to decompress and catch up on some sleep. I'm a better (or should that be, more convincing) human being when all of the other human beings are seperated from me by a locked door.
Its good to be alone. Well, alone plus the last person I'd kill if I were an Evil Overlord.
I customised my Linux desktop.
Click the image above for a closer look.
(Check out the name of that iTunes client, cheeky! Also, dear ARIA, I own all of that music.)
The whole fakey Apple thing is cute but now that I've done it, it looks sort of tired. Especially if one has the real thing. I think I'll hunt down a slicker theme. I'll keep the FakeDock though.
The Dock is called 'engage', its an Enlightenment application.
In other news, I'm really looking forward to the pre-WWDC Melbourne Apple event though admittedly if Apple were opening a mailbox (and putting on nibblies) I'd be there too.
Also on the Apple front, annoyingly, Macchiato the iBook has developed a slight white spot on the screen which I am trying to ignore, as this is my primary machine. It's got to be a pressure issue. There's an area of screen behind the spot, on the lid of the iBook, which is pressure sensitive (warps when pushed slightly). The rest of the iBook screen isn't. Unlike a lot of recent switchers though, I won't be holding that guy with the turtleneck personally responsible. *shrugs*. I don't know why people submit whiney posts to the forums around the net attributing glitches to Steve or Bill or Linus, you can hold the company responsible for quality control issues in code or hardware, but CEOs aren't Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny, they don't have magical omniscient powers that should have saved you from inconvenience.
Ok I know posters don't mean it 'literally'. I think.
ThinkGeek :: Wi-Fi Digital Hotspotter
Murder Mysteries
Things Are Going To Change
Today's earworm - Lift Me Up-Moby
The title references the last storyline in Scary Go Round. :)
Definitely personally feels like a season of change though. I'm a postgrad student (RMIT Grad Dip in IT Management) and I'm fast tracking my MCSA.
Trying to establish a routine for Midnight Blue. Just moved the latter to a friendly Athlon box this side of the pond. That's working out so far.
Reconnecting with old friends. Recognising the need for people in my life
Had a birthday recently and I felt really stalled, and pretty down, but that was because perhaps the moves I'd made towards change hadn't borne fruit yet.
Re: the strip - I seem to have caught up with studying, and barring any EXTREEM overtime, that should update again later on in the week.
New Midnight Blue Webcomic Strip
I'm emailing this in because Blogger is being quite unhelpful.
Ok, as of 11:00am Blogger seems to have it's stuff together so here's my ramble. I was going to have a background, but for reasons which will soon become obvious, a glaring white backdrop was perfectly fine. Anyway, there's a lot of dialogue there.
I penciled, then inked using an Espresso felt-tip. This saves a hell of a lot of time! I used to ink with my Graphire but while I can get better lines, it takes about five attempts . With ink, I'm stuck with whatever I did, which is good for my obsessive-compulsive streak.
Thursday Already?
It's already Thursday... after Monday and Tuesday spent on the couch and a less-than-productive Wednesday. I have a lot of mind-numbing document-crunching to do this week.
Ever get the feeling you could be replaced by a (slightly complicated) shell script?
Postgrad ACS stuff arrived... this evening I should *really* be catching up on my readings and eyeballing the assignment. I've also got some Security+ to do.
And if I'm really organised, strip this weekend.... though I'll understand if you don't hold your breath.