
Get out of my space.

Today's Earworm-Tiny Machine - The Darling Buds

Batman Begins

Dr Who

I'm having a extreme personal space day. I can't concentrate with all the noise out here. I kind of feel like punching somebody.

I think that if someone offered me a job, with no raise, but an office with a lockable door, I'd be out of here so fast it wouldn't be funny.

I hate cubes. Its even more of a joke when you even have to share your cube. What exactly do those dividers keep out, anyway?

PS anyone with real offices want to hire a Unix/OSX/Linux/php/MySql geek ?

PPS Here's a link to Paul Graham's essay on 'Great Hackers'. Look for the section on cubicles. Not suggesting I am a great hacker. I am suggesting my brain is in a blender.

PPPS If you don't stop bouncing that ping pong ball on your desk, I am going to make you EAT it!

PPPPS STFU! an oldie but a classic.

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