

Today's Earworm- Candle, Vast

Feeling kind of chilled today. I made a special effort to get some extra sleep and now I'm quite laid back.

The Mac virus is spreading, there are iBooks and iPods popping up all over.

I think I got the first iPod here, so maybe I'm partially responsible. :)


Wired for sound

Today's Earworm- Candle - VAST

Had a Coles/Myer voucher. Needed 'phones that would block out surrounding office noise (often including ape-like pounding on keyboards and hard surfaces.).

I had the option of some sort of Sony cans, but I'm sort of anti-Sony outside of picture tubes... and my phone, come to think of it....

I think Sony sound gear is a bit overpriced and overrated, anyway.

So I wanted Sennheiser 202s or 212 pros . No such luck. It's Sony, Koss, or nothing at Myer.

So I saw the Koss Ur10's, and grabbed them. They're $30 Au, enclosed, padded enclosures, cheap plastic fake-silver finish, etc. All I needed were enclosed phones so I could maintain my sanity by tuning out the background noise.

Here comes the surprise - they're pretty good. They sounded a bit muffled at first but they seem to be getting better. They're clear, they don't distort, ambient noise is blocked. Metal strings sound great. Bass isn't overly boomy. Not overly bright. For some reason vocals sound a bit thin, but nothing too horrible.

In conclusion - better than Podphones (not hard!), they're cheap, co-werkers are muffled to a dull hooting, and I can't hear keyhits at all, even my own.
Disclaimers - I probably have tin ears. I've listened to stupidly expensive sound systems and my only reaction has been 'that's up awfully loud, isn't it'.
Also, I have small ears. I wouldn't recommend these phones for an average-to-large guy. Try them on if you can, which you probably can't as they're too cheap to hang on the 'headphone tree' at your local audio store.


Koss Pop Gloss phones

Stuff the 'tweens. *I* want them.


Midnight Blue - new webcomic strip

Today's Earworm- VAST, Winter in my heart

"You spin me right round baby,.."

I smile because I'm the only one who knows what's going on

Seriously though I'm realising I need to slow down and explain things. I'll address that in the coming strips.

I'm allergic to copious exposition but it seems to be fairer to readers.



Today's Earworm- everything by VAST

Updated phpbb to address some security issues.

Also, if you haven't done so already, check out /usr/bin/w00t because it is really, really funny at times.


Down Again

Today's Earworm- America, F**K Yeah - Team America Soundtrack

And today my site is down and blogger is up and accepting posts. Joyous.

I think I need to review my hosting choices. As well as my job and education choices.


Get out of my space.

Today's Earworm-Tiny Machine - The Darling Buds

Batman Begins

Dr Who

I'm having a extreme personal space day. I can't concentrate with all the noise out here. I kind of feel like punching somebody.

I think that if someone offered me a job, with no raise, but an office with a lockable door, I'd be out of here so fast it wouldn't be funny.

I hate cubes. Its even more of a joke when you even have to share your cube. What exactly do those dividers keep out, anyway?

PS anyone with real offices want to hire a Unix/OSX/Linux/php/MySql geek ?

PPS Here's a link to Paul Graham's essay on 'Great Hackers'. Look for the section on cubicles. Not suggesting I am a great hacker. I am suggesting my brain is in a blender.

PPPS If you don't stop bouncing that ping pong ball on your desk, I am going to make you EAT it!

PPPPS STFU! an oldie but a classic.