
Weird Weather Thursday

weird weather in Melbourne

Today's Earworm- Blue Monday, New Order

Strange warm, muggy andd dark weather in the 'borg. There's some suspicious clouds about, and it's windy.

Strangely, I've noticed I've been enjoying human contact the past couple of days, on the whole. I think its because I'm not at my wits end with customer service any more. I feel less like this -
With apologies to Empire and Shaun Of The Dead.
With apologies to Empire and Shaun Of The Dead

I was ground down to a fine paste of rage and intolerance by varying kinds of zombie-like stupidity. Now that I don't have to pick up a phone anymore it feels like the wounds are healing and my 'sanity tank' is topping back up. I'm busy (lets just say I might have to start wearing a name tag when I go home) but its not the kind of stress that makes me want to climb a tower and pick off the shambling hordes. Yet.

I'll be posting some new strips for Midnight Blue before the weekend. Really.


Anonymous said...

please tell me you took that pic with your phone? whatever, it's a good one. never seen our corner looking so artsy ;)

-- el dorko grande

Kris The Grumpy said...

Yeah, it was an SE t610. The photos it takes are normally pretty appalling :)